The NEV Bible

The New European Version isn’t a fresh translation; rather is it a re-working into modern English of the Old and New Testament as found in the King James and American Standard Versions. In some difficult and controversial areas, the original Greek text has been retranslated in an attempt to provide dynamic equivalence in modern English.

The New European Version seeks to provide a text which is familiar to those who have been used to the traditional Bible versions, and yet which is sensitive to the needs of those for whom English is a second language.

Another intention of this version is to provide a modern English text which is available for use with far more liberal copyright and usage restrictions than those attached to many other modern English versions. Any wishing to reprint or quote at length from the New European Version are welcome to contact the publishers at

Free copies of this edition are currently available and will be mailed worldwide on request whilst funding lasts. See our ‘Resources’ page for further information. Bibles are, or will soon be also, available in Russian, French, Spanish, Swahili and Chinese.

Visit our ‘How to help’ page for further information on making donations.

We pray earnestly that this volume and the distribution of it will play a part in the spreading of the Gospel worldwide before Christ returns.

Further information on the NEV Bible is available at our dedicated website:

The NEV Bible
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